Podcast Interview! Inbound Back Office Podcast

Lauren recently sat down with Holly Read, Marketing Strategy Manager and podcast host at Inbound Back Office to discuss "How Public Relations Can Complement Your Marketing Strategy."

Many small firms never look beyond traditional paid marketing, focusing on inbound traffic, sales and other quantifiable benchmarks. But without a PR component running alongside that marketing plan, they're leaving brand value on the table.

In this don't-miss podcast, Lauren explains why and how to craft a thoughtful PR program that organically earns legitimacy, authority and trust for your brand — setting your company apart from the competition. Be sure to listen all the way to the end as Lauren offers pro-level tips and strategies to gain traction for your PR efforts in our current media climate!

Head over to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you like to get your podcasts to listen today.

From IBO Podcast

Most marketing agencies do not offer public relations as part of their offerings. However, PR should be a vital part of any marketing strategy as it helps build trust, increase awareness, and creates transparency for the company.

In today's podcast, we talk with Lauren Cockerell from Kwedar & Co. to about How Public Relations Can Complement Your Marketing Strategy. Whether you’re dipping a toe in yourself or looking to team up with a collaborative partner, Lauren explains why PR is a crucial part of marketing.

In this episode, Lauren talks about

  • When to use PR

  • Why you need PR

  • How to get traction with media sources

  • Different ways to add PR to your offerings


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