Free PR and marketing resources


Just getting started with public relations for your business? Need a little marketing guidance, but you’re not ready to hire yet? Check out our free resources on this page!

How to delegate your marketing projects

7 Deadly Website Sins

When building out a website, most people search through dozens of articles and lists outlining exactly what to do to create an amazing website for their business, but one thing they often miss is researching what not to do. Lucky for you, we have outlined 7 common “website sins” that we have seen over the years and added them in this quick free download for you!

Solve Your Marketing Delegation Dilemma

Download our free PDF now to assess which aspects of your marketing need attention, and where you could use some expert assistance. If you’re thinking about outsourcing your marketing and PR, this is a great place to start organizing your thoughts!

How to send a news release

How to Send a News Release

We've created this introductory PR guidebook to understanding the primary ways news is shared. Want a sneak peek into how we share news to media and online platforms? Just dipping your toes into PR? Start here!

How to communicate in a crisis

Communicating in a Crisis

Communicating in a Crisis requires a clear plan of action and clear messaging. This quick reference guide is designed to help you create a simple plan that you can refer to anytime there’s a need. Don’t let a crisis catch you by surprise.

Communication Audit Checklist

Did you make changes to your marketing to reflect COVID-19 protocol (or any other pivotal moment)? Is everything still up to date? Here’s a handy checklist to help you review your materials and ensure you’re putting your best, accurate foot forward.

Feel confident and excited about where your business is going.