Lead Generators That Work: Interview Checklists
Are your prospective customers directly comparing you with a competitor? One of our favorite lead generators for clients in your shoes is an interview checklist.
Providing clients with valuable content like this helps them feel more empowered in their choice (particularly in emotional and/or expensive scenarios), which also builds trust between you and them. Gaining that trust early on in the sales process also helps to close those qualified leads more quickly.
A few keys to great interview checklists:
✅ Make sure the interview questions ask about your unique selling points - particularly if you know your competitor can't answer yes to these questions!
✅ Remember to actually support the prospect with good, helpful information, including questions they might not know to ask, but could make a huge difference for their experience. (For instance, could a bad choice put them in a life or death situation, or cost them millions of dollars? Then tell them what they need to know to avoid it.)
✅ Don't forget to train your sales team on being prepared to answer the questions consistently, accurately, and honestly.
✅ Build a great email campaign to stay in contact with any prospects that download the checklist!
Our clients' interview checklists are some of the highest performing lead generators we've seen. Do you need help in creating a beautiful, impactful lead magnet for your business? Contact us today!